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The Alchemist

পাওলাে কোয়েলহাের    “ দ্য আলকেমিস্ট ” উপন্যাসের আদলে বিবৃত এক আধ্যাত্মর প্রকাশ। এ প্রকাশ যেমন চমৎকার তেমনি আত্ম উন্নয়নের আশাবাদী উপাখ্যান।...

People like us will no longer have a relationship by seeing a flashy post in a dating group or a post in a group.   I love him with all my h...

It only takes eight seconds

It only takes eight seconds
People like us will no longer have a relationship by seeing a flashy post in a dating group or a post in a group.


I love him with all my heart, I can't find him so easily, I hear such stories every day, that's why the meaning of the story has entered my mind unknowingly .I wanted to see how many pos pictures taken by a beautiful person on DSLR and I got fed up and went on a date with a message. Is it at all possible?

I don't believe in Love at First Sight or Divorce at First Night -


- It only takes eight seconds.

Eye to eye finds itself in a pair of eyes in eight seconds. At such a time, one's own future can be seen among other people. What a strange thing not so.

And for a girl, it's a mystery. A girl can never understand how a boy can fall in love with a girl in eight seconds.

Because it takes a long time for a girl to fall in love. They take the boy's small habits seriously, first with a smile on his face, then with a weakening of the tone of his voice, then slowly with his feelings.

The feeling of it is extraordinary. Keep the love hidden in your mind and shout inside but don't say it in your mouth .Don't let anyone understand. The feeling is different.

The most beautiful feeling in the world is when two people fall in love with each other at the same time but no one understands them. ..She is a wonderful beautiful torment!

It's normal to have a crush on someone on Facebook for a week or so, but online dating is a completely different thing. There is no profit brother. These dating groups, Tinder are not for us. But there is no annoyance towards those who do these you  are like us, we are like us.

There are so many beautiful people in the friend list. No one is knocked at all except for the maximum need of 2-1 people. And it takes talent to do this job. Talent to seduce a person by talking .Where chatting for a little while and not knowing what to say can make a person's mood worse, it's a luxury to even think of texting someone who isn't even a Facebook friend.

This is the generation that rides bicycles in school life and rides behind crush rickshaws,

Posts for these groups are just a source of entertainment for people who are deeply in love with school life.

They are strange people who dream of marrying the first love man in their teenage life.

They have grown up today, but that same thought remains insideThe whole time looking for that pair of eyes. With everything the man wants. Otherwise stay.

We can do everything but still we are old school. Our way of thinking is different.

We are the keepers.

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